Guyana Food Safety Authority
S u s t a i n a b l e A g r i c u l t u r e D e v e l o p m e n t
P r o j e c t ( S A D P )

Data Modules
The farm register shall include a framework or structure detailing relevant information regarding plant and animal produce grown, harvested, purchased, transported, distributed or sold by business establishments.
The traceability system shall enable the identification, tracing, recalling and withdrawal of all types of farm produce and traceable items including, but not limited to the entire range of crops, fisheries, seafood—both farmed and wild-caught, and livestock farmed/reared throughout Guyana or intended for sale in Guyana, as deemed necessary based on the requirements of the Food Safety Act 2019.
Farmer Registration
The main functionality of the module is to capture farmer general information which includes profile, status, photo, property & produce information (livestock & crop data).
We also capture crop pesticide, fertilizer and marketing data.
Additional livestock data is collected which includes husbandry, nutrition and marketing data.
A unique registration number is generated and will be used for the licensing number for a farmer.
All farmers entered into Registration System is verified by a supervisor.
Stakeholder Registration
This module captures data on all actors within the agricultural food supply chain which includes Distributors, Agro-Processors, Retailers and Extension Services. These users will be allowed to register their entity which will capture the following data;
• Stakeholder Type
• Region
• Company Name
• Contact Person
• Address
• Mobile #
A unique registration number is generated for each stakeholder which will allow for a licensing system.
Food Batch Info
This module is available for agro-processor users, which will allow them to enter the following data for each Product;
- Batch Number
- Product Name
- Date
- Photo
- Ingredients
- Remarks
- Status
- Status Date
If product is recalled the user will update status and enter the following data;
- Problem
- Food Safety Hazards
- What To Do
- Contact Details
Contact Sheet
This module is very useful in tracking Extension Services rendered to farmers it captures the following data;
- Registration #
- Date
- Time spent (Hrs.)
- Purpose
- Observation
- Recommendation
- Photo
Farmer Group
This module is used to register farming group across the country and collect the following data;
- Farmer Group Name
- Contact Person Title
- Contact Person
- Group Leader No 1
- Group Leader No 2
- Region
- District
- Phone 1
- Phone 2
- Address
- Date Formed
- Group Status
- Major Economic Activity
- Purpose of Group
User Account
This module allow for the creation and management of different users in the application.
User Types;
- Administrator
- Extension Staff
- Agro-Processor/Distributor
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Traceability Forms and Templates
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GFSA Team Brings to you
- A modern National Farm (crop and livestock) Registration and Licensing, Produce and Processed Foods Traceability System, identifying the responsible organizations or companies in the food supply chains;
- A results-based Produce Traceability System that enables the Guyana Food Safety Authority (GFSA) to implement and manage food safety and/or quality as prescribed in the Food Safety Act 2019. The system aims to be an important tool in the management of food risks while contributing to the control of praedial larceny and food fraud in Guyana.
- A Data System that enables Guyana to fulfil any applicable local, regional, national or international regulations, requirements, or policies.
“Food Safety aims to promote plant and animal health through Good Agricultural Practices.”
Annie Steiner
CEO, Greenprint
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GFSA Data System
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